Dr Amy Carrad
Amy is a Research Officer with ARCHE | Australian Research Centre for Health Equity, and Senior Project Office of the Planetary Health Equity Hothouse in the School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet), ANU. Amy is currently researching power and privilege in relation to public policy and health equity. Amy has a Bachelor in Public Health (first class Honours), and completed her PhD in 2019.
Prior to joining RegNet, Amy was Project Manager and Primary Research Assistant on a project exploring the role of Australian local governments and civil society organisations in food system governance. She was the lead research assistant on a large systematic literature review on nutrition labelling policy for the WHO’s Nutrition Guidance Expert Advisory Group.
Amy is passionate about food systems, applying that to both her research and involvement in civil society organisations. She is a member of the Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance and contributed to the recent update of their Peoples’ Food Plan, an invited member of the ACT Government's Canberra Region Local Food Strategy Community Reference Group member, and was Young Farmers Connect’s secretary 2023-2024.